As a result of the operation of the Main Intelligence Directorate, overnight on May 9-10, the Pervy Zavod oil refinery in Russia's Kaluga Oblast was attacked, reported an source of in the Ukrainian special services.

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According to the interlocutor, the strike was carried out by two kamikaze drones.

Locals stated that before the explosions on the property of the Pervy Zavod, the sounds of the flight of drones and the operation of air defenses could be heard in the sky.

After that, a strong fire started at the place where the UAV hit, the Russian emergency services arrived there. Eyewitnesses stated that the fire engulfed the tanks with diesel fuel and fuel oil, said the source.

Kaluga regional governor Vladislav Shapsha confirmed the information about the damage to the refinery.

In general, the source describes the consequences of the DIU operation as follows: from 00:45 to 01:25 a.m., "five powerful explosions" were heard at the facility, which caused a large-scale fire, and the AVBT-101 atmospheric-vacuum tube installation was previously damaged (production capacity – processing of 1.2 million tons per year), as well as three tanks with diesel fuel and one tank with fuel oil.

The first plant is the largest petrochemical enterprise in this region of the Russian Federation, engaged in the processing of commercial oil and gas condensate, located about 300 km from the Ukrainian border.

The source provided two videos from the scene: footage from locals shows a large fire at the refinery after the strike.

Ukrainian military intelligence had already attacked this object on March 15. At the time, the drone strike on the refinery was filmed on video.

Here is this refinery on Google Maps:

On May 1, a source of reported that as a result of the DIU operation with the help of drones on the territory of Russia, the Ryazan Oil Refinery was hit.

On May 9, SBU security service drones hit two oil depots in Russia's Krasnodar Krai.

On the same day, an SBU drone struck a Russian oil refinery in Bashkortostan with a record range, the interlocutor in the security and defense forces told