The current results of the Ukrainian armed forces on the front will determine how this winter will unfold and what to expect in the war from 2024, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in an evening video address.

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He reported conducting a comprehensive briefing today, receiving updates from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine, highlighting "positive results" in defense against collaborators and provocateurs, as well as in combating crime.

"Of course, today there were briefings on the front – Kharkiv, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, the left bank of Kherson. The resilience now, the strength now, the results now determine how this winter of full-scale war will unfold and what we can expect from next year," Zelenskyy stated.

The president also mentioned a meeting with Defense Minister Ustem Umierov on the development of the Armed Forces.

"Concrete things that need to be done. And we will definitely do them. To preserve our strength, to have necessary arguments in conversation with our partners. Increasing Ukraine's own forces and maintaining global consolidation – that is our task," Zelenskyy said.

  • According to the Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR), the Kremlin expects Ukraine to focus on "positional defense" in 2024, thus preparing to counter this on the front while simultaneously launching an information-psychological operation (IPSO) against the Ukrainian leadership.

Read also: Top German politician: Europe cannot replace US assistance to Ukraine